
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Naughty Actress Alicia Silverstone to Appear Nude in PETA Awareness Ad


Alicia Silverstone shoot to appear naked in a television ad to promote vegetarianism that was to debut Wednesday in Houston,An animal rights group said.


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) said in Houston was picked for the commercial's launch because it is often high on lists of cities with unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. According to Men's Fitness magazine this year, Houston was named the sixth fattest city in the nation.



PETA said, In this 30-second ad, Actress Alicia Silverstone is shown emerging from a swimming pool and talking about the benefits of being a vegetarian. She befogs the view of her body with her soft arms as she gets out of the pool.


The 30-year-old actress said in a statement that "I wasn't always a vegetarian, but I've always loved animals,"."Physically, the effect has been amazing."


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